We are certified … HVE, VDC and Zero herbicide !

We have been working our soils for 5 years and rethinking our cultivation methods in order to achieve a clear objective: to obtain the HVE (High Environmental Value) and especially the more demanding VDC (Sustainable Viticulture in Champagne) certifications. This has been achieved since the 2020 harvest and for a period of 3 years.

These certifications contribute in a major way to the promotion of the agroecological approach and represent for us a strong will to preserve the nature of our terroir.

The main criteria are :
  • Favouring biodiversity through the presence of hedges, trees and preserved natural areas.
  • Reduce the number of phytosanitary treatments and the doses of products used, by using techniques to replace weed killers such as sowing grass between the rows or mechanical tillage.
  • Rationalise the use of fertilisers, by giving priority to organic fertilisers.
  • Waste recovery.

But we go beyond the recommendations of these labels because we have not used pesticides for 5 years.

These certifications are regularly checked by independent bodies and can be identified by the following logos.

Golden cuvées !

Our cuvées Les Semons and Rosé each won  a Gold Medals at the “Concours des Vignerons Indépendants”.