We have been working our soils for 5 years and rethinking our cultivation methods in order to achieve a clear objective: to obtain the HVE (High Environmental Value) and especially the more demanding VDC (Sustainable Viticulture in Champagne) certifications. This has been achieved since the 2020 harvest and for a period of 3 years.
These certifications contribute in a major way to the promotion of the agroecological approach and represent for us a strong will to preserve the nature of our terroir.
The main criteria are :
- Favouring biodiversity through the presence of hedges, trees and preserved natural areas.
- Reduce the number of phytosanitary treatments and the doses of products used, by using techniques to replace weed killers such as sowing grass between the rows or mechanical tillage.
- Rationalise the use of fertilisers, by giving priority to organic fertilisers.
- Waste recovery.
But we go beyond the recommendations of these labels because we have not used pesticides for 5 years.
These certifications are regularly checked by independent bodies and can be identified by the following logos.
Click here to watch the Awards Ceremony live.
Category Blending Recoltant Manipulant – 37m50s
Audience Award – 1h00m30s
…In the monthly La Champagne viticole from december 2019
… Selected in the Guide Veron of Champagne 2021
If you would like to see, review and share these films on Briaux Lenique, then we invite you to subscribe to our YouTube channel by cliking on this link
…during a blind tasting in july 2017 by Andreas Larsson, famous Swedish sommelier who was world best sommelier in 2007.
Click here to read on the web site blindtasted
… has been selected in the VERON Champagnes Guide 2018 released in october
click here to read the commentaries
Our cuvées Les Semons and Rosé each won a Gold Medals at the “Concours des Vignerons Indépendants”.